Educational Videos

So you want to learn about testing?

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Pretest Probability

Sensitivity & Specificity

How to Calculate the Meaning of a Positive or Negative Test Result

How Testing Works

Pretest Probability













Episode 1: How to Approach Testing

You’ve watched this episode

Video Summary:

  • Probability is basis of diagnosis and testing—we are never 100% certain, there is always diagnostic uncertainty

  • Consider how much certainty we need to treat different diseases, say pneumonia vs. cancer

  • First determine pretest probability—tests then modify this

Episode 2: Pretest Probability

1:59 out of 3:31 watched

Video Summary:

  • Probability is basis of diagnosis and testing—we are never 100% certain, there is always diagnostic uncertainty

  • Consider how much certainty we need to treat different diseases, say pneumonia vs. cancer

  • First determine pretest probability—tests then modify this

Episode 3: Sensitivity & Specificity

1:59 out of 3:31 watched

Video Summary:

  • Sensitivity catches those with disease, a 90% sensitivity = a 10% miss rate

  • Specificity identifies those without disease, a 80% specificity= a 20% false positive rate

  • Tests are like people — all are different. There are a few good or bad ones but most are nuanced and best used in the right situation.

Episode 4: How to Calculate the Meaning of a Positive or Negative Test Result

1:59 out of 3:31 watched

Video Summary:

  • Test results make a disease more or less likely

  • Use natural frequencies to first consider pretest probability than the effect of sensitivity & specificity to determine the meaning of a test result.

  • Calculation takes practice but can be learned or provided with an online calculator like

Episode 5: How Testing Works

1:59 out of 3:31 watched

Video Summary:

  • Pros/Cons for every test

  • Treatment thresholds are how likely a diagnosis must be to initiate treatment

  • For tests with a continuous range of results, there are different sensitivities and specificities for very high vs. high, vs. normal results

  • Sequential tests improve performance

Episode 6: Pretest Probability

1:59 out of 3:31 watched

Video Summary:

  • Pros/Cons for every test

  • Treatment thresholds are how likely a diagnosis must be to initiate treatment

  • For tests with a continuous range of results, there are different sensitivities and specificities for very high vs. high, vs. normal results

  • Sequential tests improve performance

  • (0:10) definition of a test

    (0:38) probability & diagnostic uncertainty

    (1:04) 3 Ps framework pretest probability

    (1:36) interpreting positive or negative results and pros and cons of testing

    (2:30) treatment threshold pneumonia diagnosis

    (2:43) Pros & Cons of testing

    (3:19) shared decision-making for testing

  • (0:10) definition of a test(0:38) probability & diagnostic uncertainty; (1:04) 3 Ps framework pretest probabilityinterpreting positive or negative results and pros and cons of testing(1:36) treatment threshold (2:30) pneumonia diagnosis (2:43) Pros & Cons of testing (3:19) shared decision-making for testing

  • (0:10) definition of a test(0:38) probability & diagnostic uncertainty; (1:04) 3 Ps framework pretest probabilityinterpreting positive or negative results and pros and cons of testing(1:36) treatment threshold (2:30) pneumonia diagnosis (2:43) Pros & Cons of testing (3:19) shared decision-making for testing

  • (0:10) definition of a test(0:38) probability & diagnostic uncertainty; (1:04) 3 Ps framework pretest probabilityinterpreting positive or negative results and pros and cons of testing(1:36) treatment threshold (2:30) pneumonia diagnosis (2:43) Pros & Cons of testing (3:19) shared decision-making for testing

  • (0:10) definition of a test(0:38) probability & diagnostic uncertainty; (1:04) 3 Ps framework pretest probabilityinterpreting positive or negative results and pros and cons of testing(1:36) treatment threshold (2:30) pneumonia diagnosis (2:43) Pros & Cons of testing (3:19) shared decision-making for testing

  • (0:10) definition of a test(0:38) probability & diagnostic uncertainty; (1:04) 3 Ps framework pretest probabilityinterpreting positive or negative results and pros and cons of testing(1:36) treatment threshold (2:30) pneumonia diagnosis (2:43) Pros & Cons of testing (3:19) shared decision-making for testing